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Sound Flave is not Radio

Sound Flave is not radio. It is a podcast commentary music show. It gives the listener info on a music artist or a song. Sound Flave is a new show just getting started. There are four episodes so far. You can hear it on Spotify, Spreaker, and iHeart.

Sound Flave is the main title and Radiae Applis is the subtitle. Sound Flave is sound with flavor. Radiae Applis is like a city of listeners. If you are a listener, you are the city. You can understand it better if you listen to the fourth episode of the podcast on Spotify titled Entertainment Studio Hall -Patrice Rushen.

The podcast is something I hope you’ll enjoy. It is new and just getting started. Since podcasting is not radio, if you are a podcaster, you know that you have to be creative. The fun thing about that is you can do things your way. You are able to try to give the world something new and different. You can add flavor where there is none. So if you want something new and different, give Sound Flave a listen.

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