
The Paudio Station

To me, sound is just sound whether it is coming from podcasting or radio. Some people get upset when you call podcasting radio. When I get lost in a show or music, I don’t think about whether it is coming from a podcast or radio. Some people don’t know the difference like myself. When it comes to FM or AM, there is a difference between radio and podcasting. Podcasting doesn’t have FM or AM. The best thing about podcasting is you will never miss a show. In radio, if you miss a show, it’s just gone. You missed it. I do not see much difference between the two. 

So now we have something besides radio. We don’t have to depend on radio to be heard. Sometimes you have to ignore what the people are saying and just be creative. Whoever made the way for podcasting probably did just that and came up with something different. The way is now made possible for us to publish through audio like the radio stations. 

Don’t get me wrong, I still have love for radio. It is the reason I podcast. I get to do the things I always wanted to do in radio. For my podcast I created a station. I named it Paudio because I’m podcasting, and it’s all about audio. It is the source of sound. 


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