
My Human Me Mix (Sly Stone & the Family)

Sly Stone

Hello Radio Land. This is Gail Nobles. I’m going back to the old radio waves when I didn’t know what a DJ Turntable and Mixer was. When I didn’t know what a Drum Machine was. All I had back in the old days was me singing with the radio. I call it “The Human Me Mix”.

Do you remember Sly Stone and the Family? I’m going to play Sly Stone from an old radio broadcast, and I’m going to do my human me mix. …….

Sly Stone and the Family y’all! Sly Stone music! DJ’s cut and mix!

Now that was a vocal mixer, but in the old days, it was just a regular voice with or without microphone. (singing)

You can sing along too….

Now we have a late night show with James Corden singing while driving around. He made something old something new. How many of you drive around town or sit in your car today singing and listening to radio?

Radio Land

I”m getting ready to rap it up y’all.
I hope you enjoyed this podcast in radio land. Sly Stone & the Family! You’re Listening to The Classic Waves….

Categories: Music, Podcasts, Radio

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