
Psalm 23

When the Lord is the Shepherd, he will supply our needs. We don’t have to fear any evil. When there is danger, the Lord’s presence is with us. We can lie down without worry. He gives us our daily bread.

He leads us and guides us by his word. David said he leadeth beside the still waters. The waters are still. He gives us direction and not to those troubled waters. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Things may look dark and dreadful. When you are sick or on a dangerous highway.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. A cup that runneth over to me is a cup filled up. You don’t have to worry about hunger or thirst. Psalm 23 means that God is with us and taking care of us. The Lord is the shepherd.

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